
Maplestory classes skills
Maplestory classes skills

maplestory classes skills

Paladin/Dark Knight: These two are good for very similar reasons, you can just ignore a lot of boss mechanics.Almost all of its skills are designed for single target, but as a trade-off its mobbing is mediocre at best.


Hero: Gets a lot of free final damage from its buff skills, which boosts the effectiveness of any upgrades you get massively.You can bind a boss and burst it down very easily with night lord, but their damage is lower while their burst skills are on cooldown. This class is solid in pretty much every aspect of the game Adele: One of the more recently released classes with very good sustained damage and reasonable burst.On top of this their link skill gives %boss damage, which helps even more. They get so many extra free stats when attacking a boss that they are undoubtedly one of the strongest unfunded bossing classes. Demon Slayer: It is hard not to recommend this class for bossing.They aren’t as far ahead of the pack as they used to be, but they are still very good.Īll classes can clear all of the content in MapleStory with enough stats, but some need much less to reach the same point, this makes them perfect targets for hyper burning.

maplestory classes skills

Luminous is the class that everyone thinks of when easy grinding is mentioned. Adele: Similar to pathfinder, your main attacking skills have large hitboxes and spawn flying swords which seek out monsters, making grinding very efficient.Kanna: Very strong summons and large skill hitboxes make grinding trivial.


  • Hayato: Starts off very slow, but by 5th job you can just rotate your full screen attack skills and clear most maps without moving very much.
  • Pathfinder: Your main mobbing skills cardinal burst and cardinal deluge hit a very large amount of monsters, and spawn arrows which seek out monsters elsewhere on the screen.
  • Ice/Lightning Mage: Chain lightning and frozen orb both hit a large amount of monsters at once and cover more or less the whole screen.
  • Luminous: The classic easy grinding class, your 4th job skill reflection hits more or less the entire screen, so levelling up is pretty easy.
  • These classes make the levelling up and farming part of the game a breeze. That said, if you are totally stuck here are some recommendations for each gameplay type. If in doubt, Grandis library is a great website for checking out all of the different things that each class can offer. The most important thing to remember is to main a class that you enjoy playing! If you hyper burn a class just for the damage numbers you will most likely burn out or stop enjoying MapleStory, so go with what you like, and you will get much further in the long run. If you want to make one of those your new main, this is the perfect time as you will get even more nodestones and experience boosters than you would from hyper burning any other class.Ĭhoosing which character to main is a big topic and deserves a guide of its own (let me know in the comments if you want this!), but I can give a few recommendations depending upon what type of gameplay you enjoy. In this event those classes are the Cygnus knights: wind archer, blaze wizard, night walker, thunder breaker, dawn warrior, and Mihile. Some of the more recent burning events have also come alongside a rework of a specific set of classes, with extra bonuses for levelling one of those classes. Not only does it let you level more quickly, but you also get all of the standard hyper burning event progression boosts like nodestones, arcane symbol boosters, and a fake absolab weapon to give you a head start on your new MapleStory character. If you want to make a new main character, you should use your burning boost on that character. 5) MapleStory Hyper Burning TLDR Making A New Main

    Maplestory classes skills